Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Make it Happen

What do you do when your company cuts your pay by 20% and stops paying for your health insurance? You do what my daughter did and invent a job.

Kat is an event planner, but she was also working part time at a climbing gym because she loves to climb. When she saw that the demise of her primary job was near, she did what we all do. She panicked. But that was only for one day.

Seeing no jobs around that could replace her current pay and benefits, she made a proposal to her part time employer. She invented the job of event coordinator and showed them how should could bring in enough revenue to more than pay for herself. They bought it.

Many employers in this tough market are not thinking abundance, they are hunkering down for the fight. If you see an opportunity that they missed, don't be shy! This is the time to stand up and be heard. Make your case and create an opportunity where non existed.

Sales people know how to bring in revenue. Use that to your advantage in this market.

Steve Waterhouse
Waterhouse Group
Sales Training

1 comment:

Joanne Dennison said...

What a smart young woman! But I already knew that!