Sunday, December 28, 2008

You win some, you lose some and some get rained out:
But you have to suit up for all of them.

When times get tough, it's easy to assume we will not make the sale and not take each call seriously. Since you don't know which call will be the winner, follow this advice and "Suit up for all of them".

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Plan your 2009 sales targets well

2009 will be a tough year for sales, so we better be ready. Now is the time to pick your target accounts well so you can make this a successful year. Here are a few tips:

1. Pick accounts where you can prove the value you bring to them.
2. Pick accounts where you can get to the decision makers easily.
3. Pick accounts that have enough potential to be worth your effort.
4. Get referrals from current clients. These are earlier sales to make.
5. Now that you have a good list, believe in it and go to work. 

Let's blow the socks off 2009!!

Happy New Year.

Steve Waterhouse

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What's Wrong With Sales and Marketing?

Sales, Marketing Link Broken at Most Companies

Survey Finds Over 90% of Firms Need Better Coordination
Between Sales and Marketing
Waterhouse Group, McSweeney & Antman Offer Innovative Service to Fix Problem

The vast majority of companies could increase revenue and boost profits if their sales and marketing efforts were better coordinated, according to an informal survey of sales and marketing professionals.

To address this critical issue, sales consultancy The Waterhouse Group and marketing communications firm McSweeney & Antman have developed a proprietary Sales and Marketing Integration (SMI) service to assist companies in coordinating these functions.

“Sales and marketing should work together hand in glove, but the reality at most companies is that they do not, resulting in inefficient and ineffective go-to-market efforts—and lost sales and profits,” Dennis McSweeney said.

According to the survey, conducted by The Waterhouse Group and McSweeney & Antman, 80% of sales and marketing professionals said that the two functions were not integrated in their organization. And over 90% said their company could both increase sales and reduce costs and inefficiencies if sales and marketing worked better together.

Reasons cited most often by survey respondents for the breakdown between marketing and sales were that the marketing and sales people didn’t fully understand or appreciate the role of each other’s department (75%), that no formal financial incentives existed to improve integration of marketing and sales (65%), and that the marketing and sales departments didn’t communicate enough (60%).

“In most cases, the breakdown between sales and marketing occurs because the two functions have different perspectives and don’t communicate enough. The Waterhouse Group and McSweeney & Antman bring together consultants who live in each world and who understand how to integrate both functions to help companies grow revenue and boost profits,” Steve Waterhouse said.

Combining in-depth knowledge of marketing, marketing communications and sales with a commitment to integrated communications, the SMI service provides companies with expert, third-party assessment of where the breakdowns between sales and marketing are occurring, what the impact is, why the breakdowns are occurring, and what needs to be done to overcome them.

About the Waterhouse Group

The Waterhouse Group, which is headquartered in Orange Park, FL, helps companies increase sales and maximize profits by providing customized consulting, training and coaching services. Founded in 1994, it has worked with thousands of sales professionals worldwide, including many in the United States, Germany, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, UEA and Canada.

About McSweeney & Antman

Chicago-based McSweeney & Antman is a corporate branding and strategic communications consultancy. The firm specializes in companies with complex product and service offerings and sophisticated target audiences. M&A takes a strategic approach to the challenges these organizations face, helping them use powerful corporate brands and compelling marketing communications initiatives to achieve their business goals

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For information, contact

Steve Waterhouse
The Waterhouse Group
sales training

Make it Happen

What do you do when your company cuts your pay by 20% and stops paying for your health insurance? You do what my daughter did and invent a job.

Kat is an event planner, but she was also working part time at a climbing gym because she loves to climb. When she saw that the demise of her primary job was near, she did what we all do. She panicked. But that was only for one day.

Seeing no jobs around that could replace her current pay and benefits, she made a proposal to her part time employer. She invented the job of event coordinator and showed them how should could bring in enough revenue to more than pay for herself. They bought it.

Many employers in this tough market are not thinking abundance, they are hunkering down for the fight. If you see an opportunity that they missed, don't be shy! This is the time to stand up and be heard. Make your case and create an opportunity where non existed.

Sales people know how to bring in revenue. Use that to your advantage in this market.

Steve Waterhouse
Waterhouse Group
Sales Training

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thank You to Jim Harmon, Coach of Scarbough Maine's CC Team

As parents, we would like to believe that we are the greatest influence on our children’s lives. But we know better. We know that they are influenced at least as much by others, especially their peers, teachers and coaches. This is at once out greatest fear and our greatest hope. You have been the realization of that hope.

You have motivated our sons in the most wonderful way possible.

You did not do it by lighting their flame from the outside, because you knew that as soon as the yelling was over, so would be their motivation.

You did not do it by lighting their flame from the inside, because you know that when tough times hit, they would need someone else to rekindle their spirit.

You did it by teaching them how to light their own flame, and that was the greatest gift of all. It is a gift that will keep them strong for a lifetime.

It is for this gift that we thank you for what you have done for these fine young men.

Thanks Coach

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Predictive Index in Florida

We get calls from all over Florida asking us if we sell Predictive Index in there area. The answer is YES!

For Predictive Index in Tampa
For Predictive Index in Miami
For Predictive Index in Orlando
For Predictive Index in Jacksonville
Even for Predictive Index in Tallahassee, Call us

Predictive Results