As parents, we would like to believe that we are the greatest influence on our children’s lives. But we know better. We know that they are influenced at least as much by others, especially their peers, teachers and coaches. This is at once out greatest fear and our greatest hope. You have been the realization of that hope.
You have motivated our sons in the most wonderful way possible.
You did not do it by lighting their flame from the outside, because you knew that as soon as the yelling was over, so would be their motivation.
You did not do it by lighting their flame from the inside, because you know that when tough times hit, they would need someone else to rekindle their spirit.
You did it by teaching them how to light their own flame, and that was the greatest gift of all. It is a gift that will keep them strong for a lifetime.
It is for this gift that we thank you for what you have done for these fine young men.
Thanks Coach
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